19 April 2018

St. Patrick's Church in Boorowa was packed to the rafters for the annual Songs of Hope Choir Concert last Sunday. It was great to see 40 members participating. MD Rachel Campbell sang two operatic duets with local artist Julie O'Connor. The Australian Rugby Choir with the local choirs from Boorowa and Young together with Gospel Folk from Canberra all provided a variety of choral works that made for an uplifting afternoon for all involved. The Boorowa organisers announced that the concert had helped to raise over $3,000 for the local charity Young-Boorowa Branch of CanAssist and we were asked 'will you be back next year?'
Lo-Resolution photos on the ARC website by Garry Chinn are here.
Hi-Resolution photos on FlickR by Garry Chinn are here
YouTube VIDEO of Duet, Rachel Campbell & Julie O'Connor, Songs of Hope, 2018, Boorowa Click here-VIDEO
News item in the Boorowa Newsonline April 17 2018