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News Item


15 August 2005

The choir was delighted to be able to perform again at Telstra Stadium, this time to a huge crowd of around 80,000 streaming into the ground. Another great turn-out for the choir, with just under thirty singers on board, and Sarah Carvalho and Karen Fyffe in support.

Our posh new sign board, and the lively 'spruikers' on hire from Nova left no-one unware that they were listening to the Australian Rugby Choir.

We were pleased to get a visit from Wally the Wallabies mascot, who joined in our rendition of Waltzing Matilda. Prize for best effort on the night goes to two fans who tried to dance to 'I still call Austalian home'; a great song, but not made for dancing!!

In the 'Sunday Telegraph' being given away as we left the ground, Adam Hawse has a front assault on 'Waltzing Maatilda" - "Time for Matilda to Waltz the hell out of here". - "The only people that seem to revel in Waltzing Matilda are the yellow shirt-wearing Fanatics and al they do is sway like wilting daisies". His suggested alternatives are 'Still call Australia home', 'Men at work', or Gangajang's 'This is Australia'.......Any more for any more?!


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