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Warble 30 June 2011


30 June 2011

Australian War Memorial

Numbers are still quite thin at less than 20 currently for the annual Reserve Forces Day ceremony on Saturday 9th July. This is one of the AWM's major ceremonies so please assist if you can at 1.30pm for 2.00pm.

We are also in the throes of arranging a meeting with relevant AWM personnel and hopefully Director Steve Gower to discuss the ongoing relationship there.

Annual Reserve Forces Day Ceremony

Please attend to the gig sheet and add your name to participate in the annual Reserve Forces Day ceremony on Saturday 9th July. Numbers were quite thin as at last practice. Please assist if you can.

Our Fundraising Concerts in October and Retreat 17-18 September in Goulburn

Thank you for the notice of intention to participate in these important functions in our calendar from a solid number of members so far. After the break, your committee will be continuing to press the importance of these events so, as always, please add your name to hopefully both gigs when you have organized your time.

A dedicated group of members is organising each of these vital gigs so please do your best to take advantage of the camaraderie and benefits that each will generate for the choir.

Annual Recognition Dinner - 18 November

Don't forget to mark you diaries up now for this very important night. It will be held again at University House on 18 November.
Please, do not be tempted to wear anything but this stipulated blazer from WG. Comments in last year's survey, and acknowledged by your committee, highlighted the fact that even small elements of difference in components of the uniform only serve to accentuate that difference and compromise the integrity of our uniform.
Just to repeat

Eddy Stevens has negotiated the cost of the blazer down to $148.50. Members will need to personally attend Workin Gear, Paragon Mall, Gladstone Street, Fyshwick, during working hours to be measured and fitted for your blazer.

You will be contacted when your blazer is ready to be collected but allow approximately 3 weeks. Members may attend Workin Gear from this time onwards.

As the first wearing of the blazer has been designated for the first Annual Concert performance on Thursday 13th October, members are advised to attend Workin Gear by the week ending 9th September at the latest to play safe with delivery before the concert.

The other occasions are the annual ARC Dinner, the 2012 London Concert, the MCAA Festival proposed for Melbourne 2012, Anzac Day and Remembrance Day ceremonies at the AWM. All other gigs will be considered on their merits.

Subsidisation of purchase of blazers

Your committee confirmed that the choir will pay the cost of the pocket ARC logo insert (approx $12 each), the insert to be returned should a member leave the choir. After discussion, the committee agreed there should be no subsidy from the choir for the jacket itself.

It was reaffirmed that should any member have hardship in meeting the cost of the blazer or any other uniform items, that he is able to discuss a suitable arrangement, privately and confidentially for payment with Treasurer Rick.

With the imminent introduction of a blazer, it is timely to repeat notices placed previously, that it is not acceptable for members to wear "close resemblances" of the stipulated uniform. Such notices have been made following mention of such concern by several members in last year's uniform survey, and endorsed by your committee. The black blazer will be a specific one from Workin Gear with patch pockets and uniform buttons, and members must not presume to wear a close resemblance. The integrity of our uniform can then be assured.

Winter Break

Our final practice will be on Tuesday 28th June and we will resume Tuesday 19th July which is a week earlier than the end of school term and the end of the holidays. We will resume after this Winter Break on Tues 19th July.

Annual Subscription & Annual General Meeting

Annual subs will become due on 1st July and must be paid before the AGM on 9th August 2011 for members to be eligible to vote at that AGM. Your committee resolved to keep annual subscriptions at $25 per member per year and practice night fees at $5 per night. Please pay your annual subs at the door ASAP.

All committee positions will become vacant at the AGM. Nomination forms will be available soon for all positions. Please consider if you wish to nominate for a committee position.

London 2012 Concert

Those members intending to participate in this overseas venture should make themselves aware of the part practices that have begun or will soon begin. If you have missed the earlier advice, please contact Rick Dresser to find out where and when practices for your part will be available.

London Gig Books

If any chorister has copies of the London books and they are not going to London, the choir will buy the books back and make them available to a few intending travellers who failed to purchase the material. Please see Rick Dresser if you can help out.


Sibelius files

Members should note that all converted Sibelius files remain the property of the Australian Rugby Choir and must not be transferred to third parties other than other financial members of the ARC.


This Warble and others are available on the website.

Many Parts in Tune

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Warble 21 July 2011 »

« Warble 23 June 2011

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